Daniel, Director of Videography

Daniel, Director of Videography

Nicole, Director of Photography

Nicole, Director of Photography

Daniel, the dude behind the camera, is a storyteller who seeks to convey every love story in an authentic, unique and journalistic manner. Adopting a fly-on-the-wall style, the raw tender moments, candid laughters and heartfelt exchanges captured are what keeps him going in his pursuit of excellence.

Always up for a wanton mee fix, his happiest days typically involve incessant chattering of ideas and ideals, daydreams and sour cream. Daniel counts being able to percussively snap his fingers at hyper-speed and marrying Joy - the love of his life, as his greatest achievements to date.


Nicole believes that weddings are a form of legacy - something for you and your children to hold dear in your days ahead. She believes in keeping things simple, capturing the wedding day as it is; the unadulterated fun, joy and heartfelt interactions kept as pure and fresh as the day you walked down the aisle.

Nicole loves capturing snapshots of laundry. There’s just something unique in the way each person chooses to arrange their laundry (are they arranged according to color?? Size?? Usage??). A believer in finding quiet beauty in simple, everyday things, Nicole also loves olives and is a morning person (on most days).